Translation Agency for Corporate Clients

Highest quality standards Translations in around 100 languages. 
Many years of experience. Smooth processes. 
In engineering and technology, law, medicine, economics, marketing and computer science.

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Native-speaking translators with dual qualifications

AMANDO TRANSLATIONS takes care of the entire translation process for you.
Our qualified translation experts translate exclusively into their mother tongue. They are also experts in their respective fields, making them doubly qualified. In practice, this means that contracts are translated by lawyers, instruction manuals by engineers, and patient information leaflets by doctors with additional language training. This allows us to guarantee high-quality translations in terms of both linguistic and technical expertise.

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Natalia-Giovanna Pellegrino und
Aleksander Pellegrino GbR
Stresemannstraße 5
85221 Dachau

Home phone:+49 - (0)8131 - 163 63 00
Telefax:+49 - (0)8131 - 904 49 88
Mobile phone:+49 - (0)157 56 62 58 97